Saturday, August 13, 2011

Birthday slideshow!


  1. Linda Baker - Jeff's MomAugust 13, 2011 at 5:59 PM

    Beautiful!!!! You've come a long way Nikolas! Wishing you many more happy years ahead.

  2. Happy Birthday Nick!!!! You are so cute and have gotten through such a tough 1st year. I hope your second year is full of HAPPINESS!!!!

  3. I've been trying to post a comment forever. I'm hoping this one goes through.
    Happy Happy birthday beautiful boy. I'm so happy your healthy and happy and celebrating the first of many birthdays.
    Sending much love and birthday wished from your CHARGE family in California.
    Nope it wont let me post so this is Amy mom of Mason from the Jelly Chronicles. I will just have to post as anonymous from now on.

  4. Hi
    My name is Jenna and came across your site. Happy Birthday sweet boy! You are an amazing, courageous, strong and determined fighter. U are a brave warrior, smilen champ, and an inspirational hero. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and I love it when people sign my guestbook.
